Welcome to hitchweb!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 — No Comments Yet
Hi everyone!! We're super excited to launch our new site. The design and functionality was done by your inspiring feedback we've accumulated over the years. Who better to ask than the customer right! We also hope you like our spin on your suggestions and if you feel anything else can be done to further improve your experience with us, please let us know by simply e-mailing info@hitchweb.com.
One great addition to our site is this cool blog which will allow us to post some interesting stuff. We're a bunch of avid boaters, campers, and outdoorsy types just like you and we can't wait to tell you about some of the cool products we're trying out. We'll let you know what works, what doesn't, some cool pointers and even some pics of us enjoying ourselves at some new sites around the globe.
One of our main motivators behind this blog is to build a sense of community where you can contribute your knowledge and hopefully also learn a few tricks from others. Whether that'd be about the installation of a particular product, your recommended camping or fishing spot, we want to hear all about it.
If you'd like to post a comment on this blog you will need to create a basic account, or if you prefer just reading, click on the RSS button on the left so you're notified when we have something new posted.
We look forward to this journey,
-hitchweb Team-