What Is My Vehicle's Build Date
Written by Hitchweb Team
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 — No Comments Yet
Wednesday, November 28, 2012 — No Comments Yet
What Is My Vehicles Build Date?
You can find your vehicles build date by looking at your VIN number located on the drivers side door frame in a month/year format or by standing outside the driver-side windshield and looking through the lower corner of the windshield on the dashboard. The 10th digit of your VIN will determine your vehicles year. You will notice that the Year column skips 30 years. This is so that the current 17 character vehicle identification number (VIN) system which has been in place for almost 30 years, can continue in use for another 30 years.
Please refer to the chart below to determine your vehicle's year:
A | 1980/2010 | G | 1986/2016 | N | 1992/2022 | W | 1998/2028 | 4 | 2004/2034 |
B | 1981/2011 | H | 1987/2017 | P | 1993/2023 | X | 1999/2029 | 5 | 2005/2035 |
C | 1982/2012 | J | 1988/2018 | R | 1994/2024 | Y | 2000/2030 | 6 | 2006/2036 |
D | 1983/2013 | K | 1989/2019 | S | 1995/2025 | 1 | 2001/2031 | 7 | 2007/2037 |
E | 1984/2014 | L | 1990/2020 | T | 1996/2026 | 2 | 2002/2032 | 8 | 2008/2038 |
F | 1985/2015 | M | 1991/2021 | V | 1997/2027 | 3 | 2003/2033 | 9 | 2009/2039 |
Posted in Towing 101