What Is My Vehicles Drivetrain?
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 — No Comments Yet
The system in a motor vehicle that connects the transmission to the drive axles
ALL-WHEEL DRIVE (Four-wheel drive, AWD, 4WD, or 4x4)
Your vehicle has all wheel drive (AWD) if all four wheels receive power from the engine. This includes four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles. This type of system is usually found in Pickups and SUV's. To determine if your vehicle is All-Wheel Drive you will find an extra lever in the cab, or a switch on the dash to take the vehicle in and out of four wheel drive.
Front-wheel drive (FWD) vehicles have power only going to the front wheels. Most sedans and vans fall into this category. To determine if you vehicle has Front-Wheel Drive, check your engine. The engine is mounted cross wise in the front of the car, and power goes through the transmission directly to the front wheels only.
Your owners manual will also tell you what drivetrain your vehicle has.
Written by hitchweb on May 8th, 2013