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Double Eye Springs
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Double Eye Leaf Springs are used with the shackle-type suspensions.
When selecting a trailer leaf spring for a new trailer, or matching to replace an old spring you need to take the following measurements into account:
1. Width: A measurement across the bottom of the spring leaves. Corresponds with the width of the spring seats
2. Free Length: A measure of the length of the spring from eye to eye (or eye to end of slipper for a slipper spring)
3. # of Leaves: A count of the number of strips of steel stacked together. Count at the centre point.
4. Flat Length: A length measurement which follows the actual contour of the spring. This measure is better than the Free Length measurement because old/used springs "relax" after use. Flat length is measured by taking the length from the centre of one eye to the centre bolt on the sping, repeating on the other side, then adding the two together.
5. Eye Size: When building a trailer, the eye size of the spring is necessary to select the other hardware pieces that bolt to the spring.
The chart below provides a few examples on how to choose the correct double eye leaf spring based on your measurements. If you need any assistance please contact our team.